Discovering the Dataverse
This is a documented journey of my discoveries and learnings of data and visualizations as I “chart” the Dataverse (yes pun intended:D). I intend to keep a travel log for future self-reference, and try my best to make the content readable and accessible.
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Incoming transmission: …
My name is Ahmed Tadde, and I am a young data-hungry analyst with a deep interest in data analytics and visualizations.
I enjoy building tools and visualizations from scratch, and have a curious mind to constantly dig deeper to uncover simpler abstractions of seemingly complex problems. I highly dislike inefficiency and repetitive wastes in designs and processes, and I strongly believe it is worth the effort to master efficient techniques to better my personal life and make equivalent impacts on other people.
My ordered preference of hacking tools include: Python > R > Javascript > SQL
Curiosity and an obsessive inner drive to finding simpler abstractions of complex problems has embarked me on a journey of “programming” autodidactism. Despite graduating from Howard University with degrees in Economics and Mathematics, I have stumbled onto the new planets of Programming, DataAnalytics, and DataVisualizations.
The voyage was initially rough and foreign, but 2-3 years of drifting and exploring in this grand Dataverse has made me fall in love with all the material, frameworks, and best practices that I “stumbled” through self-learning.
I strongly believe that a combination of interest, personal-drive, practice and ease-of-access to coding resources in today’s era (thank you Google and Stackoverflow) are the key catalysts for learning fast.
Signal fading… static noises …